The school day
Breakfast Club
Mrs Gallagher is the breakfast club manager. The breakfast club runs from 7.50 am . If you wish for your child to attend please can you request a place and register at the school office.
The doors are opened at 8.45am and in both the infant and junior playground children can enter school as they arrive. The bell goes at 8.55am to mark the start of the school day. Registration follows immediately. In the infants it is really important that independence is encouraged and therefore parents are asked to leave their child at the door allowing them to take their own coats off and place on their pegs and go into their class.
All children will receive a free bagel in the morning at the start of the school day
First break
The children stop for a break at 10.30am in the infants . Break time is staggered in the juniors to avoid overcrowding on the playground. Weather permitting the children go out to play, supervised by two members of staff. Toast and milk are sold at morning break. This is made to order and we request that parents/carers send the money into school half termly £9 for toast and milk or £3 for toast.
If it is raining the children stay in the classroom and are supervised by the class teacher or teaching assistant.
Lunch time is 12.00 noon until 1.00pm in the infants and 12.15noon to 1.15pm for juniors. As from September 2014 all children in the infants are entitled to a free school meal. Junior children can either have a school dinner at a cost of £2.20 per day and parents are asked to pay for the full week every Monday (£11.00). Please send money into school with your child in an envelope with their name and amount clearly marked. Unfortunately in line with the school meals policy, school is not able to provide a school dinner where payment is not forthcoming or authorisation for free school meals has not been received. Please contact the Education benefits service regarding free school meals.
The meals are cooked on the premises and are excellent meals for the price. If your child prefers a sandwich Mrs Slater our cook, is happy to provide this as an alternative to a cooked meal. If your child is in the juniors you may choose for them to have a packed lunch brought from home. Please ensure that this is a well-balanced and healthy packed lunch and is kept is a sealed lunch box container with a small ice – pack. Cans and bottles are not allowed.
Going home for lunch
If you wish for your child to go home for dinner you must come up to school to collect him or her at 12.00 noon and return your child for 1.00p.m No child will be allowed out of school on their own.
Afternoon break
There is no set afternoon break and teachers can decide whether the children should work through or need a break .The break can be story time, circle time ,news telling time or the teacher may take the children outside to play games .This break should not exceed 15 minutes. Fruit is available free of charge on alternative days in the infants and juniors.
End of the school day
The school day ends at 3.15p.m. Parents are asked to wait on the school playground near to the exit door of their child’s class. The infant teachers will only let the children go when they can see their parents or carers. Please let your child’s class teacher know if someone new will be collecting their child.
Many parents come to school in cars and there is often serious congestion at 3.15 p.m. outside the gates. We ask parents please park away from the gates.Also, because of safety, parents should not drive their cars up the school drive.